Election 2020: Preparing for Any Outcome

Alexis DuffyArticle

Exterior of capital hill building

As the U.S. presidential election draws near, expect to see more and more headlines that propose, “What will happen next if this person is elected?” or, “What policy changes to prepare for in the next four years?”

2020 Plan Sponsor Attitude Survey

Alexis DuffyEvents, Newsroom, Webinars

Christopher Barrett image with his contact information

Join us as we host Mike Manosh, Senior Vice President of Fidelity Investments presents the findings of the 2020 Plan Sponsor Attitude Survey. Over 1,500 Plan Sponsors across industries with a variety of recordkeepers shared their professional thoughts.

July’s Monthly Economic Review

Alexis DuffyNewsroom

PensionmarkMeridien logo

In this month’s recap: stocks rallied in May, sparked by a supportive Federal Reserve, stories of states re-opening, and reported progress on a COVID-19 vaccine.

Not Another Summer Reading List!

Alexis DuffyUncategorized

4 people reading a book in different landscapes

I like a great book as much as the next and sometimes seek out recommendations on what to read next. But these lists can be overwhelming. Instead of looking forward to a good read, I find myself immersed in an exercise feeling more like homework than fun.