Not Another Summer Reading List!

Alexis DuffyUncategorized

4 people reading a book in different landscapes

Summer is upon us! With it is an endless list of books you should read.

I like a great book and sometimes seek out recommendations on what to read next.  But these lists can be overwhelming.  Instead of looking forward to a good read, I find myself immersed in an exercise feeling more like homework than fun.  No wonder I’m addicted to Netflix!

Summer is also a great time to benchmark your 401(k) plan. I know what you’re thinking: “what does one have to do with the other?”

Unlike your summer reading, periodic reviews/benchmarking are required as part of your fiduciary duties. It’s suggested every 3-5 years at a minimum. Also, unlike your summer reading, you can have someone do it for you.

At PensionmarkMeridien, we can provide you with a no obligation comprehensive benchmark report.

So, enjoy your summer read and fulfill your Fiduciary Responsibilities.

Click here to get started

Pensionmark® Financial Group, LLC (“Pensionmark”) is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Pensionmark® is affiliated through common ownership with Pensionmark Securities, LLC (member SIPC).