Qualified Retirement Plans
We help to achieve better participant outcomes, navigate change, and reduce plan sponsor workloads.
Named to the NAPA Top Defined Contribution Advisor Teams 2019 & 2020
Qualified Retirement Plans
A successful retirement plan can positively impact your organization’s talent acquisition, retention, and employee satisfaction. However, implementing and managing a 401(k), 403(b), Defined Benefit, Cash Balance or other qualified retirement plan on your own can be a complex and high-risk task. PensionmarkMeridien is here to help. Over three decades of experience in serving the qualified plan market, we have developed a streamlined process for helping you achieve a successful retirement plan that lowers your administrative burden and costs, improves your participation and retirement readiness, and educates your employees.
Provider Benchmarking
- Fund Expenses
- Retirement Tools and Support Services
- Ease of Administration
- Fee Negotiations
Plan Design Direction
- Benchmarking national trends
- Providing industry experience and best practices
- Providing plan design guidance
Compliance & Fiduciary Guidance
- Prudently select and monitor plan investment options
- Provide appropriate investment choices and information enabling participants to make educated decisions
- Document that all participants receive such information
- Establish Retirement Plan Committee, facilitate committee meetings, and draft meeting minutes
- Fiduciary training
- Investment policy statement
- Education policy statement
Administrative & Participant Support
- Day to day operations
- Compliance testing and audit support
- Government filings
- Required notices and disclosures
- Project management between vendors and Plan Sponsor
Investment Performance
It’s important to select a range of diversified investment options suitable for, not only the type of plan being offered, but also for those who will participate in the plan. This requires regular monitoring and benchmarking of the investment options and investment providers to ensure they continue to be appropriate choices.
Investment options offered in retirement plans (e.g., Mutual Funds and other investment vehicles) have management fees (usually charged as percentage of assets) to pay for the professionals who perform the research and analysis to determine which investments to include in the fund. Investment-level fees relative to peers must be quantified and disclosed to participants.
Advisor fees
If you use outside advisors or consultants for assistance with the administration, investment guidance, and/or compliance for your plan, you still have the responsibility to ensure that the services provided are necessary and that the cost is reasonable in light of the level and quality of services.
Target Date Fund Analysis/ Monitoring
The US Department of Labor has developed general guidelines for selecting and monitoring Target Date Funds (TDF), including: establishing a periodic review, understanding the underlying investment allocation, reviewing and monitoring expenses, and developing effective employee communications.
Fiduciary Fitness
Being a fiduciary means having responsibilities; the more you learn about them, the better equipped you are to make effective decisions. Measuring fiduciary fitness is a helpful starting point for you to determine if there are areas where your current processes can be improved or enhanced.
Investment Selection & Monitoring
- Personalized investment reviews
- Monitoring of current fund offerings
- Recommendations to replace underperforming funds
- Facilitation of vendor fund changes
- Assistance with participant fund change communications
- Alignment of company philosophy with program offering
Participant Education & Support
Our dedicated education professionals will establish employee education programs and customize campaigns to fit your employees’ specific needs. In addition:
- We make ourselves available to answer participant questions by phone and email
- We provide ongoing group education meetings, one-on-one consultations, web based seminars, and other resources
- We evaluate the effectiveness of employee education on an ongoing basis
Providing your employees with robust financial planning and technology to empower their financial lives.