The Competitive Advantage

Mikko PassanantiNewsroom

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Pensionmark® Financial Group, LLC (“Pensionmark”) is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Pensionmark® is affiliated through common ownership with Pensionmark Securities, LLC (member SIPC).  

Quarterly Economic Update

Mikko PassanantiNewsroom

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A Review of 3rd Quarter 2019, Presented by PensiomarkMeridien THE QUARTER IN BRIEF Summer doldrums? Not exactly. The third quarter brought a number of attention-getting events, and while investors took some cues from them in the short term, Wall Street’s confidence remained – the S&P 500 rose 1.19% in Q3. The abrupt devaluation of the Chinese yuan shocked traders, and shifting Treasury yields also made headlines. Trade negotiations between the … Read More

Senior Director Chris Barrett Interviewed by BenefitsPRO

David BradleyNewsroom

The retirement service industry has always been an evolving marketplace.  Over the last decade we’ve seen technological enhancements, results driven creativity with plan design, the race to zero with fee compression and the consolidation of providers on both the recordkeeping and investment platforms. With all the changes and enhancements that have taken place, one truth has remained.  It has always been and will always be all about the retirement plan … Read More

PensionmarkMeridien® Deepens Corporate Services Bench


In the continued pursuit of growth, PensionmarkMeridien remains committed to adding top-tier talent to the organization to best serve our valued clients.  We are pleased to announce that Christopher Barrett has joined our firm on June 17 th  as a Senior Director focused on Corporate Retirement Plans and Executive Benefits opportunities. Chris has spent over 30 years helping large recordkeepers and investment managers such as Transamerica and MFS service their clients.  He … Read More

Plan Sponsor Outlook July 2017


The most recent edition of the Quarterly Plan Sponsor Outlook is now available. This newsletter covers current retirement plan issues and trends and includes articles, a Q&A section, quarterly calendars, and web resources for employers. Specifically, in this edition you will find: Participation, Savings Rates Rising in Defined Contribution (DC) Plans Target Date Funds (TDFs): Time to Move On? The answer to, “How important is it to deliver targeted messages as … Read More

“Retirement” Has Changed! Here’s What You Need to Know in Today’s World


What do Baby Boomers, Gen-X-rs and Millennials have in common? Compared to the Greatest Generation, when it comes to retirement planning quite a lot. Let’s focus on four easy to understand concepts: 1.We are living longer and have access to better healthcare, which means we will need to plan for a much longer retirement than our grandparents. 2. Social Security is much less certain! At Meridien, we generally counsel our clients … Read More